I have known Greg Cohen for 20 plus years. He represented me during a long complicated divorce that took 5 years. He also represented me for my business. He is one of the most honest and hard working attorneys I know. Even when my business went under he continued to represent me knowing it would take time for payment. Even when owing him money not one time did he represent me with less professionalism or vigor nor did he pursue me for money… He is a good man for his profession and community.

Greg Cohen demonstrated to me the kind of people skills that I imagine are critical to the practice of criminal law. He demonstrated to my daughter how capable a lawyer and how compassionate a guide he could be to a young woman with no experience in the law, trying to help her dad.

Over the years, I have been acquainted and have had dealings with many attorneys in this area. Most of my contacts with them have usually been for either political reasons or to recommend them to my clients who had need for civil, domestic or criminal representation.

In April of 2000, I had a personal need for criminal representation and had the opportunity to work with attorney Greg Cohen whom I felt did a very capable and professional service for me during a stressful time in my life and quite frankly, needed someone to take care of me legally. I was extremely satisfied with the work Greg did for me and I have never forgotten it and have always been appreciative of his exceptional legal counsel. So much so, I have recommended him to others who needed legal assistance.

Even though Greg and I differed politically, a subject which has no bearing on qualifications and competency, I have always found him to be non-judgmental, approachable and to genuinely care about his practice and his clients.

I have known Greg for more than 10 years in both a professional and personal capacity.

As a professional, he counseled me in assisting a cousin who was accused of a crime in another state and asked me for financial help. Greg reviewed the complaint, provided valuable perspective and helped us understand the law and how to obtain fair and equitable justice as well as billing from the defense attorney involved. Greg never asked for any compensation whatsoever, he just wanted to help rectify an injustice and make sure my cousin received a fair hearing.

I've also had many interactions with Greg in a personal capacity in which I often asked how his cases were going. He's been an upstanding citizen in the community in a variety of forums.

Across all of these interactions, Greg has expressed a sincere love for the law and for due process. He has over a 20 year track record of honorable service. I've heard from several friends who are judges that he is known to be quite competent and well-respected. He has never said or done anything that would make me question his ethics or integrity; on the contrary, he has consistently insisted on the proper legal course and appropriate pursuit of justice.

To whom it may concern, We have known Gregory Cohen for 16 years. He has been a very kind and dear friend. He has done many thoughtful things for our family. After a court appearance Greg was concerned for our safety and waited for court to end so he could walk our family to our car. We have called on Greg for countless favors through the years for which he bas been there for our family.

Mr. Cohen represented my son about 6 years ago on very serious charges. My son recently passed away on May 22. I'm writing this letter in his honor because Mr.Cohen represented my son in a very professional manner. I believe every step of the way he gave us all of our options. At that time we were struggling financially and he never pressed us for money but always acted professional.

I met Gregory Cohen in the summer of 2011. He was recommended to me when my father was arrested and was facing some pretty serious criminal charges. I was recently engaged, moving in to a new home with my fiancé, supporting my brother who was diagnosed with cancer a year earlier,and not prepared in the least for what was about to happen to me. Greg is and was my saving grace. Not only is he a good person but also a great lawyer.

In the last three years, I have come to realize that being a grown up means that you sometimes have to take a long hard look at the sides of life that you never thought were possible. Who wants to wake-up one morning and realize that their father has just been arrested and is being held by the US Marshall's? No one, ever! I phoned Greg's after being referred to him and without any delay he invited me and my fiancé down to his office. He laid everything out for me in a way that was actual and realistic and was exactly what I needed. He explained what needed to happen first and then how we would work out a game plan after that. I was the only one that could help my dad at the time, as his wife was out of the country. Greg's consistent guidance and legal advice assured me that he was looking out for me and my dad's best interest. During the time he was working on my dad's case, it seemed like my other family members had legal questions all at the same time. You know that, "when it rains, it pours" kind of feeling. Greg was great to take their calls or sit down with them and listen to their problems, and then offer a legal response.

Greg went out of his way many times to help me by staying late so I had enough time to get off work. He would meet me In Kentucky if there were papers that I needed to sign. When there were specifics that needed to be done regarding the power of attorney paperwork Greg did not hesitate to have a new one drafted. Greg never made me feel like I was a bother to him and while he is a very straight shooter when telling the facts, I always felt like that was the best way. To this day, even though l am not in need of his direct counsel, he is willing to take my calls and answer my emails. Greg will even answer my completely random emails about something Involving my dads' "adjustment" back in to society.

…Greg Cohen Is very knowledgeable, Intelligent, and respectful. He saved not only my dad, but he saved my whole family. He helped me at time when I thought there was nowhere to turn. He stuck by us and saw us through to the end. Greg Cohen's life is about serving other people – he has demonstrated that throughout his career and personal experiences. There are more families like mine out there that need someone to work for them and to tell It to them straight– they need Greg, he can guide anyone through the legal process and I would recommend him to anyone in need…

Greg Cohen was like a mentor to me from pre-teen on. He always acknowledged me at the gym, asked about school and sports and would suggest different weights and exercise to help me get ready for football.

I have known Greg for about 13 years and looked up to him at the gym. I made a mistake at 19 and was charged with a misdemeanor. I had never been in trouble with the law. I went to Greg's office downtown and we talked through the situation. He carefully explained my options and what the outcome would be. He gave his suggestions and we decided the best route to take.

Greg told me, "You made one mistake, you can overcome this. But from this point on, you will take two paths, you will either move forward and learn your lesson and not look back; or you will continue to be in trouble with the law the rest of your life and your crimes will get worse and you will be in and out of jail with a long record." That statement stuck in my mind, with Greg being like a mentor to me.

I've employed Greg Cohen since 1998 and have not stepped in front of a judge for any legal matters with another attorney, not because he was the best or the cheapest but because he's always fought for me, because he always had what was best for me at heart, and most importantly because he was a friend. I have very few friends and Mr. Cohen definitely fits that bill in my world. There have been times that my finances did not meet the criteria to be able to employ a paid attorney. In these times he stood by my side and represented me as if I was a million dollar client never caring to ask about his fees but instead letting me get my finances in order and then making arrangements. These are the things that make Greg stand out from all other attorneys.

I had the opportunity to meet and work with Mr. Cohen in 1998. I found him to be a humble, kind and caring soul who loved his work. He gave to the community more than most. I watched as he took appointed cases, working just as hard on them as he worked for others. I also had the privilege to observe this caring father and loving husband as he dedicated each day, with long hours, driven to provide for his family.

I have known Gregory Cohen since 2001 as he was referred to me by a friend of the family to assist me with a domestic violence matter. Although everything looked ominous Gregory believed in me. Gregory stuck by my side throughout the whole scenario and I was found not guilty on the charges before me. Since then Gregory has become more than an attorney, he has been a mentor and a great example in helping me through my younger years and also with my ambitions to go into law.

I bring that synopsis of the relationship between me and Mr. Cohen up for a very valid reason. Unlike a lot of attorneys, Gregory represented me "pro bono" (good faith practice) not only on just that case, but on a few others as well. By that, Gregory showed true ethic on helping for the greater good without looking for the monetary value. Gregory looked past the financial sacrifice to prevent an innocent person from going to jail, tarnishing a name, shielding a good person from a bad reputation and ruining a positive future. Gregory has even relieved my family of stressful matters that where pressing for an unfortunate situation. In my eyes Gregory has always portrayed a positive example and positive work ethic as an attorney.

I am a pastry chef who has lived and worked in the Cincinnati area for approximately 25 years. I have known Gregory Cohen for 21 years.

I first became acquainted with Mr. Cohen when he represented one of my three daughters in a criminal case. My daughter was a single mother and had many medical health issues. Mr. Cohen took it upon himself to help my widowed daughter with her legal matters, pro-bono, so that she could be a successful part of her children's lives.

Mr. Cohen has also been there to council my other two daughters as well as myself and my grandson throughout many periods of our family's lives such as divorce, death, birth, disabilities, criminal, employment, and family court. I am truly am grateful for knowing Mr. Cohen through the years and can honestly say that he has been a blessing in our lives… I  would definitely hire Gregory Cohen for all my family's legal needs.

I first met Attorney Gregory A. Cohen over ten years ago. As you see, my husband ran into a bit of legal trouble with his child support and the time had come to hire an attorney to help him navigate through the waters. I can remember the day like it was yesterday. Greg, myself, and our new-born son sitting in the top floor of our four-family apartment, looking through the yellow pages. My husband came across Greg's ad and he liked his picture and decided to give him a call. The first time we met Greg, he treated us as family. You could tell he cared about us, our situation, and the law. He knew we didn't have a lot of money and allowed us to pay what we could. In return he resolved the legal matters at hand and we developed a long life friend as a bonus.

We kept in touch over the years. I went to Cincinnati State and received a degree as a paralegal. I got a job as a legal receptionist answering calls and greeting clients for over one hundred attorneys. There I got my feet wet with working in the law world. After a few years an opportunity arose for me to work as a paralegal for Greg and a few other attorneys in his building down the street. I was elated to say the least. Now, as he put it, I would be working for what I went to school for. He set me up with an office, computer, supplies, etc. He also taught me so much that you couldn't learn in school about the practice of law. For Greg, I mostly worked on his criminal cases and a little civil in between. Greg was meticulous when it came to his work. I looked up to him as a person, a lawyer, and a friend. He cares so much for his clients and them receiving justice. He made himself available to anyone, any time day and night, and even gave out his personal cell phone number! He never acted like he was better than anyone and treated all of his clients, paying or not, with the same respect...never looking down on anyone.

Greg wore a suit and tie every day, always professional, getting to the office first and staying the latest. He often worked through his lunches and he dedicated every ounce of energy he had to practicing the law. Besides his family, practicing the law was and is his life. It is what drives him through the day, what makes him get up in the morning, and what he was put on this Earth to do.

Greg once told me about his travels as a younger man. He could have become any type of lawyer and worked anywhere in the country, but he chose to establish his roots in Cincinnati. The people of Cincinnati, whether they know it or not, are lucky to have this play out the way it did. Greg works for the people, making sure their rights aren't being violated, making sure they're getting fair treatment, and making sure the law stays true for their sake. As an attorney, Greg often meets people on the worse day of their life. Working in the criminal field he was forced to deal with some of the worst of the worst, but he never had an opinion of their actions, but rather made sure they got a fair trial under the law. That is what he does.

…Greg is a tough attorney. I'm sure prosecutors draw straws when they know that they will have to go against Greg in the courtroom! I say this because he is a doctor of the law. His knowledge of court cases. decisions, and the rules are so on point it could make your head spin…

I don't work for Greg anymore. I left there about a year ago and began working as a 911 operator, but the Greg I know is still getting up every day, putting on his suit, coming to the office, and working on the most important case of his life…